Deep Water Aquatics
Deep Water AquaticsDeep water aquatics make an excellent alternative or addition to lilies. They are more tolerant of shade and moving water but are equally as good at providing surface cover, helping to keep the water clear. Aponogeton distachyos flowers at a time of year when lilies and most other plants do not.There are some marginal plants that like deeper water than most so are good for slightly deeper shelves. They are; Butomus umbellatus, Lysichiton species, Lysimachia numularia, Lysimachia numularia aurea, Menyanthes trifoliata, Orontium aquaticum, Persicaria amphibian, Pontederia species, Ranunculus species, Sagittaria species, Typha species except minima (caution - Typha latifolia is quick growing and not recommended for small ponds, we recommend latifolia variegata or the smaller varieties such as angustifolia or gracillis). Nearly all oxygenating plants are suitable for deeper areas.
Have you got everything you need before you leave?Marginal plants provide shelter, a breeding ground and remove nitrates Oxygenating plants provide essential oxygen Floating plants provide shade, shelter and remove nitrates Lilies provide shade & shelter Aquatic baskets and aquatic soil for the above Snails Ramshorns eat algae on the sides of a pond, Trapdoor snails eat algae on the bottomPlease protect our environment. No plants should be disposed of in the wild as even native ones placed in the wrong location may cause environmental damage. Compost them or take them to your local refuse centre. For more information please see Non Native Species Secretariat |